It is crucial that you update and constantly monitor your social media profiles, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Unhappy and disgruntled clients are using sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor and Facebook to complain about their salon experience. As a salon owner, you need to respond to this negative feedback quick and positively. It is important that you take these complaints seriously and should treat each complaint as if they were standing right in front of you.

Before responding, you need to realize that this complaint is out so the whole world-wide web can see and this could potentially hurt your brand if not responded to correctly.

Some tips on how to respond correctly.

  • It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong, you want to start with a sincere apology.
  • It is also important to show that you are concern and you care about their experience.
  • You will also want to give them a practical solution to the problem
  • Thank them for their feedback. It doesn’t matter how rude they were, this feedback can be useful to make adjustments.

It is important not to leave a negative post unanswered. You want to show whole world that you care and you stand by your salon. People do understand that mistakes do happen and it is important to show them how you correct those mistakes. Again, no matter if they client is write or wrong, it is important that you are the bigger person.


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